I hereby swear that I will not talk about the house unless I have an actual answer…on here.
Which leaves me free to whine, moan and basically be a big fat baby about it on Facebook, Twitter and any other possible method of communication.
But not here.
Instead, I will talk about something that everyone else did yesterday!
Did you know yesterday was Delurking Day ’09?
What does that really mean?
It means that yesterday all you readers that never comment were supposed to come out and actually comment…delurk.
Aaaaand, I missed it.
So, I’m declaring this the Was-Nearly-Delurking-Day ’09.
Now I truly love all of you that comment regularly! In fact, I’ve made some really incredible friends through this blog.
But this day is for all the others who read and leave, those of you who filter me through a feed reader and never click through to comment….today, you MUST! HA! I have a cute little graphic picture that says so.
I can’t wait to see some new names and see if maybe it’s not just my mom clicking on the site a few hundred times a day.